28 propre to ye thing, then throughly proued with reafons belongynge to our matter. Far contrariwife I herd my felfe a good hufbande at his boke ones faye, that to omit ftudie fomtime of the daye, and fome- time of the yere, made afmoche for the encreafe of learning, as to let the land lye fometime falloe, maketh for the better encreafe of corne. This we fe, yf the lande be plowed euerye yere, the corne commeth thinne vp, the eare is fhort, the grayne is fmall, and when it is brought into the barne and threlhed, gyueth very euill faul. So thofe which neuer leaue poring on their bokes, haue oftentimes as thinne inuention, as other poore men haue, and as fmal wit and weight in it as in other mens. And thus youre hufbandrie me thinke, is more like the life of a couetoufe fnudge that oft very euill preues, then the labour of a good hufband that knoweth wel what he doth. And furelie the beft wittes to lerning muft nedes haue moche recreation and ceafmg from their boke, or els they marre them felues, when bafe and dompyflhe wittes can neuer be hurte with continuall ftudie, as ye fe in luting, that a treble minikin firing muft alwayes be let down, but at fuche time as when a man muft nedes playe: when ye bafe and dull ftryng nedeth neuer to be moued out of his place. The fame reafon I finde true in two bowes that I haue, wherof the one is quicke of call, tricke, and trimme both for pleafure and profyte: the other is a lugge flowe of call, folowing the firing, more fure for to laft, then pleafaunt for to vfe. Now fir it chaunced this other night, one in my chambre wolde nedes bende them to proue their ftrength, but I can not tel how, they were both left bente tyll the nexte daye at after dyner: and when I came to them, purpofmg to haue gone on fhoting, I found my good bowe clene caft on the one fide, and as weake as water, that furelie (if I were a riche man) I had rather haue fpent a crowne; and as for my lugge, it was not one whyt the worfe : but fhotte by and by as wel and as farre as euer it dyd. And euen fo I am fure that