30 a thinge can worthilie praife, and although I had rather haue anie other to do it than my felfe, yet my felfe rather then no other. I wil not fail to faye in it what I can wherin if I faye litle, laye that of my litle habilitie, not of the matter it felfe which deferueth no lyttle thinge to be fayde of it. •pljf. If it deferue no little thinge to be fayde of it Toxophile, I maruell howe it chaunceth than, that no man hitherto, hath written any thinge of it: wherin you mull graunte me, that eyther the matter is noughte, vnworthye, and barren to be written vppon, or els fome men are to blame, whiche both loue it and vfe it, and yet could neuer finde in theyr heart, to faye one good woorde of it, feinge that very triflinge matters hath not lacked great learned men to fette them out, as gnattes and nuttes, and many other mo like thinges, wrier- fore eyther you may honefllie laye verie great faut vpon men bycaufe they neuer yet prayfed it, or els I may iuftlie take awaye no litle thinge from mooting, bycaufe it neuer yet deferued it. Eox* Trulye herein Philologe, you take not fo muche from it, as you giue to it. For great and commodious thynges are neuer greatlie prayfed, not bycaufe they be not worthie, but bicaufe their excellencie nedeth no man hys prayfe, hauinge all theyr commendation of them felfe not borowed of other men his lippes, which rather prayfe them felfe, in fpekynge much of a litle thynge than that matter whiche they entreat vpon. Great and good thinges be not prayfed. For who euer prayfed Hercules (fayeth the Greke prouerbe). And that no man hitherto hath written any booke of Ihoting the fault is not to be layed in the thyng whiche was worthie to be written vpon, but of men which were negligent in doyng it, and this was the caufe therof as I fuppofe. Menne that vfed fhootyng mofte and knewe it bell, were not learned: men that were lerned, vfed litle mooting, and were ignorant in the nature of the thynge, and fo fewe menne hath bene that hitherto were able to wryte vpon it. Yet howe