gcfjcle af gl)00ttns. 31 longe Ihotying hath continued, what common wealthes hath mofle vfed it, howe honefle a thynge it is for all men, what kynde of liuing fo euer they folow, what pleafure and profit commeth of it, both in peace and warre, all maner of tongues and writers, Hebrue, Greke and Latine, hath fo plentifullie fpoken of it, as of fewe other thinges like. So what mooting is howe many kindes there is of it, what goodneffe is ioyned with it, is tolde: onelye howe it is to be learned and brought to a perfectneffe amonges men, is not to tilde. ;^|ju Than Toxophik^ if it be fo as you do faye, let vs go forwarde and examin howe plentifullie this is done that you fpeke, and firfte of the inuention of it, than what honeftie and profit is in the vfe of it, bothe for warre and peace, more than in other paftimes, lafte of all howe it ought to be learned amonges men for the encreafe of it, which thinge if you do, not onelye I nowe for youre communication but many other mo, when they mall knowe of it, for your labour,and Ihotying it felfe alfo (if it coulde fpeke) for your kyndneffe, wyll can you very moche thanke. 3Cox0p|j. What good thynges men fpeake of footing and what good thinges mooting bringes to men as my wit and knowlege will feme me, gladly foall I fay my mind. But how the thing is to be learned I will furely leue to fome other which bothe for greater experience in it, and alfo for their lerninge, can fet it out better than I. 3Pfji« Well as for that I knowe both what you can do in ihooting by experience, and yat you can alfo fpeke well ynough of mooting, for youre learning, but go on with the firft part. And I do not doubt, but what my defyre, what your loue toward it, the honeilie of footing, the profite that may come thereby to many other, foall get the feconde parte out of you at the laft. Stoxopfj. Of the firft finders out of footing, diuers <£ men diuerflye doo wryte. Claudiane the ciaudianus poete fayth that nature gaue example of inhistn. footyng firft, by the Porpentine, which doth foote his prickes, and will hitte any thinge that fightes with it: