32 whereby men learned afterwarde to immitate the fame in findyng out both bowe and fhaftes. Plinie referreth it to Schythes the fonne 7's ' of lupiter. Better and more noble wryters bringe fhoting from a more noble inuentour: as Plato, Calimachus, and Galene from Apollo. insympo, Yet longe afore thofe dayes do we reade IpoC' in the bible of fhotinge expreflye. And Gen. 21. alfo if we mail beleue Nicholas de Lyra, Nic de j Lamech killed Cain with a fhafte. So this great continuaunce of fhoting doth not a lytle praife fhotinge: nor that neither doth not a litle fet it oute, that it is referred to th[e] inuention of Apollo, for the which poynt fhoting is highlye praifed of Galen in ex. Galene : where he fayth, yat mean craftes hor. ad bo- be firfl found out by men or beafles, as nasartes- weauing by a fpider, and fuche other: but high and commendable fciences by goddes, as fhotinge and muficke by Apollo. And thus fhotynge for the necef- fitie of it vfed in Adams dayes, for the nobleneffe of it referred to Apollo, hath not ben onelie commended in all tunges and writers, but alfo had in greate price, both in the befl commune wealthes in warre tyme for the defence of their countrie, and of all degrees of men in peace tyme, bo the for the honeflie that is ioyned with it, and the profyte that foloweth of it. lifjfloL Well, as concerning the fyndinge oute of it, litle prayfe is gotten to fhotinge therby, feinge good wittes maye moofle eafelye of all fynde oute a trife- lynge matter. But where as you faye that moofle com- mune wealthes haue vfed it in warre tyme, and all de- grees of men maye verye honefllye vfe it in peace tyme : I thynke you can neither fhewe by authoritie, nor yet proue by reafon. 3C0x0pf)i«. The vfe of it in warre tyme, I wyll declare hereafter. And firfle howe all kindes and fortes of men (what degree foeuer they be) hath at all tynaes afore, and nowe maye honefllye vfe it: the example of moofle noble men verye well doeth proue.