33 Cyaxares the kynge of the Medees, and . greate graundefather to Cyrus, kepte a forte ° 'm dl0' of Sythians with him onely for this purpofe, to teache his fonne Aftyages to ihote. Cyrus being a xen, in insti childe was brought vp in footing, which cyn-*• thinge Xenophon wolde neuer haue made mention on, except it had ben fitte for all princes to haue vfed: feing that Xenophon wrote Cyrus lyfe (as Tullie Ad Quint, fayth) not to ihewe what Cyrus did, but Fra-*•*• what all maner of princes both in paflimes and erneft matters ought to do. Darius the firft of that name, and king of Perfie fhewed plainly howe fit it is for a kinge to loue and vfe ihotynge, whiche commaunded this fentence to be grauen in his tombe, for a Princelie memorie and prayfe. Darius the King lieih buried here Stiabo. i$. That ^nJhot^ng and riding had neuer pere. Agayne, Domitian the Emperour was fo cunning in footing that he coulde fhotebetwixte a mans Tran guet fingers {landing afarre of, and neuer hurt ran<1' him. Comodus alfo was fo excellent, and had fo fure a hande in it, that there was nothing within his retche and foote, but he wolde hit it in what __ .. i i_ i j -u /i • Herodia. i. place he wolde: as beaftes runnmge, either in the heed, or in the herte, and neuer myffe, as Herodiane fayeth he fawe him felfe, or els he coulde neuer haue beleued it. •IJJijL In dede you praife footing very wel, in yat you foewe that Domitian and Commodus loue footinge, fuche an vngracious couple I am fure as a man foall not fynde agayne, if he raked all hell for them. QCoxopfy. Wel euen as I wyll not commende their ilneffe, fo ought not you to difpraife their goodneffe, and in dede, the iudgement of Herodian vpon Com- modus is true of them bothe, and that was this : that c