34 befide flrength of bodie and go^d footinge, they hadde no princelie thing in them, which paying me thinke commendes footing wonderfullie, callinge it-^. princelie thinge. Furthermore howe commendable Ihotinge is for princes : Themiflius the noble philofopher Thennst. foeweth in a certayne oration made to in ora>6- Theodofius th[e] emperoure, wherin he doeth com- mende him for. iii. thinges, that he vfed of a childe. For footinge, for rydinge of an horfe well, and for feates of armes. Moreouer,not onelye kingesand emperours haue ben brought vp in footing, but alfo the beft commune wealthes that euer were, haue made goodlie ac~bes and lawes for it, as the Persians which vnder Cyrus con- quered in a maner all the worlde, had a lawe that their children foulde learne thre m °* thinges, onelie from v. yeare oulde vnto. xx. to ryde an horfe well, to foote well, to fpeake truthe Leo de stra- alwayes and neuer lye, The Romaines tagi 20< (as Leothe[e]mperourin his boke of fleightes of warre2 telleth) had a lawe that euery man fooulde vfe footing in peace tyme, while he was. xl. yere olde and that euerye houfe fooulde haue a bowe, and. xl. foaftes ready for all nedes, the omittinge of whiche lawe (fayth Leo) amonges the youthe, hath ben the onely occafion why the Romaynes loft a great dele of their empire. But more of this I wil fpeake when I come to the profite of footing in warre. If I fould rehearfe the ftatutes made of noble princes of Englande in parliamentes for the fettyng forwarde of footing, through this realme, and fpecially that acte made for footing the thyrde yere of the reygne of our mo oft drad foueraygne lorde king Henry the. viii. I could be very long. But thefe fewe examples fpecially of fo great men and noble common wealthes, foall Hand in ftede of many. PIjU That fucheprinces andfuche commune welthes haue moche regarded footing, you haue well