35 declared. But why fhotinge ought fo of it felfe to be regarded, you haue fcarcelye yet proued. SCox. Examples I graunt out of hiftories do fhew a thing to be fo, not proue a thing why it fhuld be fo. Yet this I fuppofe, yat neither great mens qualities being commendable be without great authontie, for other men honeilly to folow them : nor yet thofe great learned men that wrote fuche thinges, lacke good reafon iuflly at al tymes for any other to approue them. Princes beinge children oughte to be brought vp in footing : both bycaufe it is an exercife mooft holfom, and alfo a paflyme mooft honeft: wherin labour prepareth the body to hardneffe, the minde to couragioufneffe, fufferyng neither the one to be marde with tenderneffe, nor yet the other to be hurte with ydleneffe: as we reade how Sardanapalus and fuche other were, bycaufe they were not brought vp with outwarde honeft payneful paftymes to be men : but cockerde vp with inwarde noughtie ydle wantonnneffe to be women. For how fit labour is for al youth, lupiter or els Minos amonges them of Grece, and Lycurgus amonges the Lacedemonians, do Cic. 2< Tus> fhewe by their lawes, which neuer or- Qu deyned any thing for ye bringyng vp of youth that was not ioyned with lab our. And the lab our which is in flioting of al other is beft, both bycaufe it encreafeth ftrength, and preferueth health moofl, beinge not vehement, but moderate, not ouerlaying any one part with wery- fomneffe, but foftly exercifynge euery parte with equalneffe, as the armes and breaftes with drawinge, the other parties with going, being not fo paynfull for the labour as pleafaunt for the paftyme, which exercife by the iudgement of the beft phyficions, is moft alowable. By moting alfo is the mynde honeftly exercifed where a man alwaies defireth to Gal, 2. de be beft (which is a worde of honeftie) and san'tuend- that by the fame waye, that vertue it felfe doeth, couetinge to come nigheft a mooft perfite ende or meanc Handing betwixte. ii- extremes, efcheweing