37 fhotynge, I fuppofe there is none other degree of men, neither lowe nor hye, learned nor leude, yonge nor oulde. PIjtI. You fhal nede wade no further in ^ this matter To&ophile^ but if you can proue me thatfcholers and men gyuen to learning maye honeft- lie vfe ihoting, I wyll foone graunt you that all otherfortes of men maye not onelye lefullie, but ought of dutie to vfe it But I thinke you can not proue but that all thefe examples of motinge brought from fo longe a tyme, vfed of fo noble princes, confirmed by fo wyfe mennes lawes and iudgementes, are fette afore temporall men, onelye to followe them : whereby they may the better and ftronglyer defende the commune wealth withall. And nothing belongeth to fcholers and learned men, which haue an other parte of the commune wealth, quiete and peaceable put to their cure and charge, whofe ende as it is diuerfe from the other, fo there is no one waye that leadeth to them both. 5C0X0. I graunte Philologe, that fcholers and lay men haue diuerfe offices and charges in the commune wealth, whiche requires diuerfe bringing vp in their youth, if they ftial do them as they ought to do in their age. Yet as temporall men of neceffitie are compelled to take fomewhat of learning to do their office the better withal: So fcholers maye the boldlyer borowe fomewhat of laye mennes paftimes, to mayn- teyne their health in ftudie withall. And furelie of al other thinges moting is necelfary for both fortes to learne. Whiche thing, when it hath ben euermore vfed in Englande how moche good it hath done, both oulde men and Chronicles doo tell: and alfo our enemies can beare vs recorde. For if it be true (as I haue hearde faye) when the kynge of Englande hath ben in Fraunce, the preefles at home bicaufe they were archers, haue ben able to ouerthrowe all Scotlande. Agayne ther is an other thing which aboue all other doeth moue me, not onely to loue fhotinge, to prayfe {noting, to exhorte all other to ihotinge, but alfo to