38 vfe fhoting my felfe : and that is our kyng his mo oft royall purpofe and wyll, whiche in all his ftatutes generallye doth commaunde men, and with his owne mouthe mooft gentlie doeth exhorte men, and by his greate gyftes and rewardes, greatly doth encourage men, and with his mooil princelie example very oft doth prouoke all other men to the fame. But here you wyll come in with temporal man and fcholer: I tell you plainlye, fcholer or vnfcholer, yea if I were. xx. fcholers, I wolde thinke it were my dutie. bothe with exhortinge men to fhote, and alfo with flioting my felfe to helpe to fet forwarde that thing which the kinge his wifdome, and his counfell, fo greatlye laboureth to go forwarde: whiche thing furelye they do, bycaufe they knowe it to be in warre, the defence and wal of our countrie, in peace, an exercife moofl holfome for the body, a paftime moofl honeft for the mynde, and as I am able to proue my felfe, of al other mofte fit and agreable with learninge and learned men. ^jji If you can proue this thing fo playnly, as you fpeake it erneflly, then wil I, not only thinke as you do, but become a fhooter and do as you do. But yet beware I faye, left you for the great loue you bear towarde fhotinge, blindlie iudge of Ihootinge. For loue and al other to erneft affections be not for nought paynted blinde. Take hede (I faye) leaft you prefer ' fhootinge afore other paftimes, as one Balbinus through blinde affection, preferred his louer before all other wemen, although fhe were deformed with a polypus in her nofe. And although fhooting maye be mete fometyme for fome fcholers, and fo forthe: yet the fitteft alwayes is to be preferred. Therefore if you will nedes graunt fcholers paftime and recreation of their mindes, let them vfe (as many of them doth) Mufyke, and playing on inflrumentes, thinges mofte femely for all fcholers, and mofte regarded alwayes of Apollo and the Mufes. • 2T0X, Euen as I can not deny, but fome mufike is