fit for lerning fo I trull you can not chofe but graunt, that Ihoting is fit alfo, as Calimachus doth fignine in this verfe. Both meriefonges and good footing delitsth Afiollo. Cal. hym. a. Butas concerning whether of them is /^ mofte fit for learning, and fcholers to vfe, ^ you may faye what you will for your pleafure, this I am lure that Plato and Ariftotle bothe, in their bokes en- treatinge of the common welthe, where they Ihew ho we youthe Ihoulde be brought vp in. iiii. thinges, in redinge, in writing, in exercife of bodye, and finging, do make mention of Muficke and all kindes of it, wherein they both agre, that Muficke vfed amonges the Lydians is verie ill for yong men, which be ftu- dentes for vertue and learning, for a certain nice, fofte, and fmoth fwetneffe of it, whiche woulde rather entice them to noughtines, than ftirre them to honellie. An other kinde of Muficke inuented by the Dorians, they both wonderfully prayfe, alowing it to be verie fyt for the iludie of vertue and learning, becaufe of a manlye, rough and ftoute founde in it, whyche Ihulde encourage yong ftomakes, to attempte manlye matters. Nowe whether thefe balades and rpundes, thefe gali- ardes, pauanes and daunces, fo nicelye fingered, fo fwetely tuned, be lyker the Mufike of the Lydians or the Dorians, you that be learned iudge. And what fo euer ye iudge, this I am fure, yat lutes, harpes, all maner of pypes, barbitons, fambukes, with other inftrumentes euery one, whyche ftandeth by fine and quicke fingeringe, be condemned of Arif- Aristot. poi. totle, as not to be brought in and vfed 8-6- amonge them, whiche Iludie for learning and vertue. Pallas when me had inuented a pipe, call it away, not fo muche fayeth AriHotle, becaufe it deformed her face, but muche rather bycaufe fuche an Inftrumente belonged nothing to learnynge. Howe fuche Inftru- mentes agree with learning, the goodlye agrement betwixt Apollo god of learninge, and Marfyas the