40 Satyr, defender of pipinge, doth well declare, where Marfyas had his Ikine quite pulled ouer his head for his labour. Muche mufike marreth mennes maners, fayth Galen, although fome man wil faye that it doth not fo, but rather recreateth and maketh quycke a mannes myncle, yet me thinke by reafon it doth as hony doth to a mannes ftomacke, whiche at the firfl receyueth it well, but afterwarde it maketh it vnfit, to abyde any good flronge norifhynge meate, or els anye holfome lharpe and quicke drinke. And euen fo in a maner thefe Inftrumentes make a mannes wit fo fofte and frnoothe fo tender and quaifie, that they be leffe able to brooke, ftrong and tough ftudie. Wittes be not fharpened, but rather dulled, and made blunte, wyth fuche fweete foftenelfe, euen as good edges be blonter, whiche menne whette vpon fofte chalke ftones. And thefe thinges to be true, not onely Plato Ariftotle and Galen, proue by authoritie of reafon, Herodotus but alfo Herodotus and other writers, inCho. Ihewe by playne and euident example, as that of Cyrus, whiche after he had ouercome the Lydians, and taken their kinge Crefus prifoner, yet after by the meane of one Pactyas a verye headie manne amonges the Lydians, they rebelled agaynfte Cyrus agayne, then Cyrus had by an by, broughte them to vtter deftruction, yf Crefus being in good fauour with Cyrus had not hertelie defyred him, not to reuenge Pactyas faulte, in Ihedynge theyr blood. But if he would folowe his counfell, he myght brynge to paffe, that they Ihoulde neuer more rebel agaynil hym, And yat was this, to make them weare long kyrtils, to ye foot lyke woomen, and that euerye one of them ihoulde haue a harpe or a lute, and learne to playe and fmg whyche thinge if you do fayth Crefus (as he dyd in dede) you fhall fe them quickelye of men, made women. And thus lutinge and finginge take awaye a manlye ftomake, whiche fhulde enter and pearce depe and harde fludye.