42 bringing vp of children than mufike is, both Gallen proueth by authoritie, and dayly vfe teacheth by experience. For euen the little babes lacking the vfe of reafon, are fcarfe fo well ftilled in fuckyng theyr mothers pap, as in hearynge theyr mother fyng. Agayne how fit youth is made, by learning to fmg: for grammar and other fciences, bothe we dayly do fee, and Plutarch learnedly doth proue, and Plato wifelie did alowe, which receyued no fcholer in to his fchole, that had not learned his fonge before. The godlie vfe of prayfmg God, by finginge in the churche, nedeth not my prayfe, feing it is fo prayfed through al the fcripture, therfore nowe I wil fpeke nothing of it, rather than I fhuld fpeke to litle of it. Befyde al thefe commodities, truly, ii. degrees of menne, which haue the higheft offices vnder the king in all this realme, fhal greatly lacke the vfe of Singinge, preachers and lawiers, bycaufe they fhal not without this, be able to rule their brefles, for euery purpofe. For where is no diflinclion in telling glad thinges and fearfull thinges, gentilnes and cruelnes, foftenes and vehementnes, and fuche lyke matters, there can be no great perfwafion. For the hearers, as Tullie fayeth, be muche affec- tioned, as he is that fpeaketh. At his wordes be they drawen, yf he ftande ftill in one facion, their mindes ftande ftill with hym: If he thundre, they quake : If he chyde, they feare : If he complayne, they fory with hym: and finally, where a matter is fpoken, with an apte voyce, for euerye afifedtion, the hearers for the mofte parte, are moued as the fpeaker woulde. But when a man is alwaye in one tune, lyke an Humble bee, or els nowe vp in the top of the churche, nowe downe that no manne knoweth where to haue hym : or piping lyke a reede, or roring lyke a bull, as fome lawyers do, whiche thinke they do beft, when they crye lowdeft, thefe fhall neuer greatly mooue, as I haue knowen many wel learned, haue done, bicaufe theyr voyce was not flayed afore, with learnyng to fynge.