ttyc grfjflts at tfEjarrtutfi. 43 For all voyces, great and fmall, bafe and Ihril, weke OT fofte, may be holpen and brought to a good poynt, by learnyng to fynge. Whether this be true or not, they that ftand moofte in nede, can tell beft, whereof fome I haue knowen, whiche, becaufe they learned not to fmg, whan they were boyes, were fayne to take peyne in it, whan they were men. If any man fhulde heare me Toxophile, that woulde thinke I did but fondly, to fuppofe that a voice were fo neceffarie to be loked vpon, I would aike him if he thought not nature a foole, for making . fuch goodly inflrumentes in a man, for wel vttring his woordes, or els if the. ii. noble orators Demofthenes and Cicero were not fooles, wherof the one dyd not onelie learne to fmg of a man: But alfo was not afhamed to learne howe he fhoulde vtter his foundes aptly of a dogge, the other fetteth oute no poynte of rhetorike, fo fullie in all his bookes, as howe a man fhoulde order his voyce for all kynde of matters. Therfore feinge men by fpeaking, differ and be better than beaftes, by fpeakyng wel, better than other men, and that linging is an helpe towarde the fame as dayly experience doth teache, example of wyfe men doth alowe, authoritie of learned men doth approue wherwith the foundacion of youth in all good common wealthes alwayes hath bene tempered; furelye if I were one of the parliament houfe, I woulde not fayle, to put vp a bill for the amendment of this thynge, but becaufe I am lyke to be none this yeare, I wil fpeake no more of it, at this time. 2Eox» It were pitie truly Philologe, that the thinge fhoulde be neglected, but I truft it is not as you fay. •pjji. The tiling is to true, for of them that come day lye to ye vniuerfitie, where one hath learned to fmge, vi. hath not. But no we to oure fhotmge Toxophile agayne, wherin I fuppofe you can not fay fo muche for fhotyng to be fitte for learninge, as you haue fpoken agaynfte Muficke for the fame. Therfore as concerning Mufike, I can be content to