44 ttrrj:0|i!)ttu$, 8. graunt you your mynde: But as for fhooting, lurely I fuppofe that you can not perfwade me, by no meanes, that a man can be earn eft in it, and earnefl at his booke to: but rather I thynke that a man with a bowe on his backe, and maftes vnder hys girdell, is more fit to wayte vpon Robin Hoode, than vpon Apollo or the Mufes. SToi, Ouer erneft fhooting furely I will not ouer erneftlye defende, for I euer thought mooting fhoulde be a wayter vpon lerning not a maftres ouer learning. Yet this I maruell not a litle at, that ye thinke a man with a bowe on hys backe is more like Robin Hoode feruaunt, than Apollofe, feing that Apollo him felfe in Alceftis of Euripides, whiche tragidie you red openly not long ago, in a maner glorieth faying this verfe. It is my wont alwaies my bowe with me to beare. AEest " Therfore a learned man ought not to much to be afhamed to beare that fome tyme, whiche Apollo god of lerning him felfe was not afhamed always to beare. And bycaufe ye woulde haue a man wayt vpon the Mufes, and not at all medle with fhotyng I maruell that you do not remembre howe that the ix. mufes their felfe as fone as they were borne, wer put to norfe to a lady called Euphemis whiche had a fon named Erotus with whome the nine Mufes for his excellent fhootinge, kepte euer more companie withall, and vfed dayly to Ihoote togither in ye mount Pernafus; and at lail it chaunced this Erotus to dye, whofe death the Mufes lamented greatly, and fell all vpon theyr knees afore lupiter theyr father, and at theyr requeft, Erotus for mooting with the Mufes in earth was made a figne, and called Sagittarius in heauen. Therfore you fe, that if Apollo and the Mufes either were examples in dede, or onelye fayned of wife men to be examples of learninge, honeft ihoting maye well ynough be companion with honeft ftudie. ;l|Jfjt. Well Toxophile, if you haue no ftronger defence of fhotinge then Poetes, I feare yf your com-