46 'fcholers verye moche, the mynde is altogyther bent and fet on worke. A paftyme then muft be had where euery parte of the bodye muft be laboured to feparate and leffen fuche humours withal: the mind muft be vnbent, to gather and fetche againe his quickneffe withall. Thus paflymes for the mynde onelye, be nothing fit for fludentes, bycaufe the body which is mooft hurte by fludie, fhulde take away no profyte thereat. This knewe Erafmus verye well, when he was here in Cambrige : which when he had ben fore at his boke (as Garret our bookebynder hath verye ofte tolde me) for lacke of better exercife, wolde take his horfe, and ryde about the markette hill, and come agayne. If a fcholer fhoulde vfe bowles or tennies, the laboure is to vehement and vnequall, whiche is condempned of Galene: the example very ill for other men, when by fo manye actes they be made vnlawfull. Running, leaping, and coyting be to vile for fcholers, and fo not fit by Ariftotle his iudgement: walking alone into the felde, hath no token of Aristot. courage in it, a paftyme lyke a fimple man poi. ?• 17- which is neither flefh nor fifftie. Therfore if a man woulde haue a paftyme holefome and equall for euerye parte of the bodye, pleafaunt and full of courage for the mynde, not vile and vnhoneftetogyueill example to laye men, not kepte in gardynes and corners, not lurkynge on the nyght and in holes, but euermore in the face of men, either to rebuke it when it doeth ill, or els to teflifye on it when it doth well: let him feke chefely of all other for Ihotynge. 30Ijil0L Suche commune paflymes as men com- menlye do vfe, I wyll not greatlye allowe to be fit for fcholers: feinge they maye vfe fuche exer- cifes verye well (I fuppofe) as Galene him felfe doth allowe. 2Coxop!j* Thofe exercifes I remembre verye well, for I read them within thefe two dayes, of the whiche,, fome be thefe : to runne vp and downe an hyll, to elyme vp a longe powle, or a rope, and there hange a