coil not paft. ii.d. and that they neded not fo moche reparation as bowe and foaftes, they wolde neuer hurte a man his hande, nor neuer weare his gere. A man Ihulde neuer flee a man with footing wyde at the car- des. In wete and drye, hote and coulde, they woulde neuer forfake a man, he mewed what great varietie there is in them for euerye mans capacitie: if one game were harde, he myght eafelye learne an other : if a man haue a good game, there is greate pleafure in it: if he haue an ill game, the payne is foorte, for he maye foone gyue it ouer, and hope for a better: with many other mo reafons. But at the lafl he concluded, that betwixt playinge and footing, well vfed or ill vfed, there was no difference : but that there was leffe cofte and trouble, and a greate deale more pleafure in playing, then in footynge. 5C0X* I can not deny, but footing (as all other good thinges) may be abufed. And good thinges ungoodlye vfed, are not good, fayeth an honorable bifooppe in an ernefler matter then this is: yet we mufte beware that we laye not mennes faultes vpon the thing which is not worthie, for fo nothing foulde be good. And as for footing, it is blamed and marked of men for that thing (as I fayde before) which fooulde be rather a token of honeflie to prayfe it, then any figne of noughtineffe to difalowe it, and that is bycaufe it is in euerye man his fight, it feketh no corners, it hydeth it not: if there be neuer fo litle fault in it, euerye man feeth it, it accufeth it felfe. For one houre fpente in footing is more fene and further talked of, then. xx. nightes fpent in dyfmg, euen as a litle white ftone is fene amonges. iii. hundred blacke. Of thofe that blame footinge and footers, I wyll faye no more at this tyme but this, that befide that they ftoppe and hinder footing, which the kinges grace wolde haue forwarde, they be not moche vnlyke in this poynt to Wyll Somer the king his foole, which fmiteth him that ftandeth alwayes before his face, be he neuer fo worfoipfull a man, and neuer greatly lokes for him whiche lurkes behinde an other man his backe, that hurte him in dede.