f i But to him that compared gamning with fhoting fomewhat wyll I anfvvere, and bycaufe he went afore me in a companion : and companions fayth learned men, make playne matters : I wyl furely folowe him in the fame. Honeft thynges (fayeth Plato) be knowen from vnhonefl thinges, by this n p e r°" difference, vnhoneftie hath euer prefent pleafure in it, hauing neyther good pretence going before, nor yet any profit folowing after; which faying defcry- beth generallye, bothe the nature of mooting and gamning whiche is good, and which is euyl, verie well. Gamninge hath ioyned with it, a vayne prefente pleafure, but there foloweth, loffe of name, lofTe of goodes, and winning of an hundred gowtie, dropfy difeafes, as euery man can tell. Shoting is a peynfull paftime, wherof foloweth health of body quiknes of witte, habilitie to defende oure countrye, as our ene- mies can beare recorde. Loth I am to compare thefe thinges togyther, and yet I do it not bicaufe there is any comparifon at al betwixte them, but therby a man Ihal fe how good the one is, howe euil the other. For I thinke ther is fcarfe fo muche contrarioufnes, betwixte hotte and colde, vertue and vice, as is betwixte thefe. ii. thinges: For what fo euer is in the one, the clean contrarye is in the other, as mall playnlye appere, if we confider, bothe their beginnynges, theyr encreafynges, theyr fructes, and theyr endes, whiche I wyl foone rydde ouer. C The fyrfte brynger in to the worlde of TO . s\ z. A n i • T. r -U- Pla m symP- fhootynge, was Apollo, whiche for his wifdome, and great commodities, brought amonges men by him, was eflemed worthie, to be counted as a God in heauen. Difyng furely is a baflarde borne, becaufe it is faid to haue. ii. fathers, and yet bothe noughte: The one was an vngracious God, called Theuth, which for his noughtines piato came neuer in other goddes companyes, inphedro. and therfore Homer doth defpife onfe to name him,