in all his workes. The other father was Herodot. a a Lydian borne, whiche people for fuche cu°- gamnes, and other vnthriftines, as boowlyng and hauntyng of taueraes, haue bene euer had in moft vile reputation, in all floryes and writers. The Fofterer vp of {noting is Labour, ye companion of vertue, the maynteyner of honeftie, the encreafer of health and welthineffe, whiche admytteth nothinge in a maner in to his companye, that flandeth not, with vertue and honeflie, and therefore fayeth the oulde poete Epicharmus very pretelye in Xenophon, that God felleth vertue, and all other good xendedict. thinges to men for labour. The Nource et fact- Soc- of dife and cardes, is werifom Ydleneffe, enemy of vertue, ye drowner of youthe, that tarieth in it, and as Chaufer doth faye verie well in the Parfons tale, the greene path waye to hel, hauinge this thing appro- priat vnto it, that where as other vices haue fome cloke of honeftie, onely ydlenes can neyther do wel, nor yet thinke wel. Agayne, Ihooting hath two Tutours to looke vpon it, out of whofe companie, Ihooting neuer flirreth, the one called Daye light, ye other Open place, whyche. ii. keepe mooting from euyl companye, and fuffers it not to haue to much fwinge,but euermore keepes it vnder awe, that it darre do nothyng in the open face of the worlde, but that which is good and honeft. Lykewyfe, dyfmge and cardynge, haue. ii. Tutours, the one named Solitarioufenes, whyche lurketh in holes and corners, the other called Night an vngratioufe couer of noughtyneffe, whyche two thynges be very Inkepers and receyuers of all noughty- neffe and noughtye thinges, and thereto they be in a maner, ordeyned by Nature. For on the nighte tyme and in corners, Spirites and theues, rattes and iriife, toodes and oules, nyghtecrowes and poulcattes, foxes and foumerdes, with all other vermine, and noyfome beafles, vfe moofte ftyrringe, when in the daye lyght, and in open places whiche be ordeyned of God for honefle tiynges, they darre not ones come, whiche thinge Euripides noted verye well, fayenge.