53 II thinges the night, good thinges the daye doth haunt and vfe. Iphi. in Tau, Companions of moting, be prouidens, good heed giuing, true meatinge, honeft comparifon, whyche thinges agree with vertue very well. Cardinge and dyfinge, haue a forte of good felowes alfo, goynge com- monly in theyr companye, as blynde Fortune, {tumbling chaunce, fpittle lucke,falfedealyng, crafty conueyaunce, braynleffe brawlynge, falfe forfwerynge, whiche good feloes wyll fone take a man by the fleue, and caufe him take his Inne, fome wyth beggerye, fome wyth goute and dropfie, fome with thefte and robbery, and feldome they wyl leaue a man before he comme eyther to hangyng or els fomme other extreme mifery. To make an ende, howe moting by al mennes lawes hath bene alowed, cardyng and dyfmg by al mennes iudge- mentes condemned, I nede not mewe the matter is fo playne. Therfore, whan the Lydians mail inuentbetterthinges than Apollo, when ilothe and ydlenes shall encreafe vertue more than labour, whan the nyghte and lurking corners, giueth leffe occafion to vnthriftineffe, than lyght daye and opennes, than fhal fhotynge and fuche gamninge, be in fumme comparifon lyke. Yet euen as I do not mewe all the goodnes, whiche is in fhotynge, whan I proue it ftandeth by the fame thinges that vertue it felfe flandeth by, as brought in by God, or Godlyelyke men, foftered by labour, committed to the fauegarde of lyght and opennes, accompanied with pro- uifion and diligens, loued and allowed by euery good mannes fentence. Euen lykewyfe do I not open halfe the noughtines whiche is in cardyng and difing, whan I mewe howe they are borne of a defperate mother, norifhed in ydlenes, encrefed by licence of nyght and corners, accompanied wyth Fortune, chaunce, deceyte, and craftines : condemned and banimed, by all lawes and iudgementes. For if I woulde enter, to defcrybe the monflruoufe- pe§ of it, I fcoulde rather wander in it? it is fo b