56 ftandeth nexte him, fhall haue a payre of falfe dife, and call them out vpon the bourde, the honeft man mail take them and cafl them, as he did the other, the thirde mall efpye them to be falfe dife, and fhall crye oute, harde, with all the othes vnder God, that he hath falfelye wonne theyr moneye, and than there is nothynge but houlde thy throte from my dagger, than euery man layeth hande on the fimple man, and taketh all theyr moneye from him, and his owne also, thinking himfelfe wel, that he fcapeth with his lyfe. Curfed fwerying, blaffhemie of Cfoifle.) Thefe halfe verfes Chaucer in an other place, more at large doth well fet out, and verye liuely expreffe, fayinge. Ey by goddes precious kert and his nayles And by the blood of Chnfte, that is in Hales> Seutn is my chaunce, and thine is ftnke and treye, By goddes armes, if thou falfly playe^ This daggerJhall thorough thine herte go Thisfrute commeth of the beched boones twoo Forfweringe, Ire, falfnes and Homicide. &*c. Thoughe thefe verfes be very ernefllie wrytten, yet they do not halfe fo grifely fette out the horyblenes of blafphemy, which fuche gamners vfe, as it is in dede, and as I haue hearde my felfe. For no man can wryte a thing fo earneftlye, as whan it is fpoken wyth iefture, as learned men you knowe do faye. Howe will you thinke that fuche furioufenes wyth woode countenaun- ces, and brenning eyes, with flaringe and bragging, with heart redie to leape out of the belly for fwelling, can be expreffed ye tenth part, to the vttermofl. Two men I herd my felfe, whofe fayinges be far more grifely, than Chaucers verfes. One, whan he had lofl his moneye, fware me God, from top to toe with, one breath, that he had lofl al his money for lacke of fweringe; The other, lofyng his money, and heaping othes upon othes, one in a nothers necke, moofl horrible and not fpekeable, was rebuked of an honefl man whiche flode, by for fo doynge, he by and by ftarynge him in the face, and clappyng his fifle with all