0f rf500tt'«3. 57 his moneye he had, vpon the boorde, fware me by the fleffhe of God, that yf fweryng woulde helpe him but one ace, he woulde not leue one pece of god vnfworne, neyther wythin nor without The remembraunce of this blafphemy Philologe, doth make me quake at the heart, and therefore I wyll fpeake no more of it. And fo to conclude wyth fuche gamnying, I thynke there is no vngracioufenes in all thys worlde, that carieth fo far from god, as thys faulte doth. And yf there were anye fo delperate a perfone, that woulde begynne his hell here in earth, I trowe he fhoulde not fynde hell more lyke hell it felfe, then the lyfe of thofe menis which daylyhaunt and vfe fuche vngracious games. •Jjiljtl. You handle this gere in dede: And I fuppofe if ye had ben a prentice at fuche games, you coulde not haue fayd more of them then you haue done, and by lyke you haue had fomwhat to do with them. 3C0I. In dede, you may honefllye gather that I hate them greatly, in that I fpeake agaynfl them : not that I haue vfed them greatlye, in that I fpeake of them. For thynges be knowen dyuerfe wayes, as Socrates (you knowe) doeth proue in-Alcibiades. And if euery man fhulde be that, that he fpeaketh or wryteth vpon, then fhulde Homer haue bene the befl capitayne, mooft cowarde, hardye, hafty, wyfe and woode, fage and limple: And Terence an oulde man and a yong, an honeft man and a bawde : with fuche lyke. Surelye euerye man ought to praye to God dayly, to kepe them from fuche unthriftyneffe, and fpeciallye all the youth of Englande : for what youth doth begynne, a man wyll folowe commonlye, euen to his dyinge daye: whiche thinge Adrailus in Euripides pretelye doth ex- preffe, fayinge. What thing a man in tender age hath moft in vre That fame to death alwayes to kepe heJJial befure Euripidea Therfore in age who greatly longes goodfrute to mcrwe m suppli. In youth he muft him felfe aplye goodfeede to fowe* pr the foundation of youth well fetfe (as Plsjtp doth