58 faye) the whole trrlye of the commune wealth fhal floryfhe therafter. If the yonge tree growe croked, when it is oulde, a man fhal rather breake it than flreyght it. And I thinke there is no one thinge yat crokes youth more then fuche vnlefull games. Nor let no man fay, if they be honeftly vfed they do no harme. For how can that paflyme whiche neither exercifeth the bodye with any honeft labour, nor yet the minde with any honeft thinking, haue any honeftie ioyned with it. Nor let no man allure hym felfe that he can vfe it honefllye: for if he flande therein, he may fortune haue a faule, the thing is more flipperye then he knoweth of, A man maye (I graunt) fyt on a brante hyll fyde, but if he gyue neuer fo lytle forward e, he can not ftoppe though he woulde neuer fo fayne, but he mufl nedes runne needling, he knoweth not how farre. What honeft pretences, vayne pleafure layeth dayly (as it were entifements or baytes, to pull men forwarde withall) Homer doeth well fhewe, by the Sirenes, and Circes. And amonges all in that fhyp there was but one Vlyffes, and yet he hadde done to as the other dyd, yf a goddeffe had not taught hym : And fo lykewyfe I thinke, they be eafye to numbre, whiche paffe by playing honeillye, excepte the grace of God faue and kepe them. Therfore they that wyll not go to farre in playing, let them folowe this counfell of the Poete. Stoppe the begynninges. pfjflala. Well, or you go any further, I pray you tell me*this one thing: Doo ye fpeake agaynfte meane mennes playinge onlye, or agaynile greate mennes playinge to, or put you anye difference betwixte them? Sfliopfjf, If I ftiulde excufe my felfe herein, and faye that I fpake of the one, and not of the other, I feare leafte I Ihoulde as fondlye excufe my felfe, as a certayne preacher dyd, whome I hearde vpon a tyme fpeake agaynfte manye abufes, (as he fayde) and at laft he fpake agaynft candelles? and then he fearynge.