ftfje gdjrite 0f gfjoottttg. 59 fbme men woulde haue bene angrye and offended with him, naye fayeth he, you muft take me as I meane : I fpeake not agaynft greate candelles, but agaynft lytle candels, for they be not all one (quoth he) I promyfeyou: And fo euerye man laughed him to fcorne. In dede as for greate men, and greate mennes mat- ters, I lyfl not greatlye to meddle. Yet this I woulde wyfme that all great men in Englande had led ouer dili- gentlye the Pardoners tale in Chaucer, and there they fhoulde perceyue and fe, howe moche fuche games Hand with theyr worfhyppe, howe great foeuer they be. What great men do, be it good or yll, meane men com- munelye loue to followe, as many learned men in many places do faye, and daylye experience doth playnelye Ihewe, in cofllye apparrell and other lyke matters. Therefore, feing that Lordes be lanternes to leade the lyfe of meane men, by their example, eyther to goodneffe or badneffe, to whether foeuer they lifte : and feinge alfo they haue libertie to lyfle what they will, I pray God they haue will to lift that which is good, and as for their playing, I wyll make an ende with this faying of Chaucer. Lordes mightfinde them other maner ofpleye Honest ynough to dnue the daye awaye. But to be Ihorte, the befl medicine for all fortes of men both high and lowe, yonge and oulde, to put awaye fuche vnlawfull games is by the contrarye, lyke- wyfe as all phyficions do alowe in phyfike. So let youthe in fteade of fuche vnlefull games, whicheftande by ydleneffe, by folitarinelfe, and corners, by night and darkeneffe, by fortune and chaunce, by crafte and fubtiltie, vie fuche paflimes as fLand by labour : vpon the daye light, in open fyght of men, hauynge fuche an ende as is come to by conning, rather then by crafte : and fo fhulde vertue encreafe, and vice decaye. For contrarye paftimes, muft nedes worke contrary mindes in men, as all other contrary thinges doo. thu§ we fe Philologe, that moting is not onely