bycaufe they haue nothing : And fo euery man in thougnt and mifene : Yet it is a cmill medicine, where- with a prince maye from the bodye of his commune wealth, put of that daunger whiche maye faule: or elles recouer agayne, whatfoeuer it hath loft. And therfore as Ifocrates doth faye, a prince mufl be a warriour in two thinges, in con- * 1CO' ninge and knowledge of all ileyghtes and feates of warre, and in hauing al neceffarye habihmentes be- longyng to the fame. Whiche matter to entreate at large, were ouerlonge at this tyme to declare, and ouer- moche for my learning to perfourme. After the wifdome of the prince, are valiaunt capi- taynes mooft neceffary in wane, whofe office and dut^e is to knowe all fleightes and pollicies for all kyndes of warre, which they maye learne. ii. wayes, either in daylye folowing and haunting the warres or els bicaufe wifdome bought with ftrypes, is many tymes ouercofllye : they maye beftowe fometyme in Vegetius, which entreateth fuche matters in Latin metelye well, or rather in Polyenus, and Leo the Emperour, which fetteth out al pollicies and duties of capitaynes in the Greke tunge very excellentlye. But chefelye I wolde wifihe (and if I were of authe- ntic) I wolde counfel al the yong gentlemen of this realme, neuer to lay out of theyr handes. ii. authors Xenophon in Greke, and Caefar in Latyn, where in they ihulde folowe noble Scipio Africanus, as Tullie doeth faye: In whiche. ii. authours befydes eloquence a thinge mofle neceffary of all other, for a capt3,yne, they fhulde learn e the hole courfe of warre, whiche thofe. ii. noble menne dyd not more wyfelye wryte for other men to learne, than they dyd manfully exercife in the fyelde, for other men to followe. The Hrengthe of war lyeth in the fouldier, whofe chyefe prayfe and vertue, is obedience towarde his captayne, fayth Plato. And Xenophon obedience, being a gentyle authour, mofte chriftianlye piat. ieg J3. doeth. faye, euen by thefe woordes, that Xen.Aget