that fouldyer which firfle ferueth god, and than obeyeth hys captayne, may boldelie with all courage, hope to ouerthrowe his enemy. Agayne, without obedience, neither valiant man, flout horfe, nor goodly harnes doth any good at al. which obedi- en' lppar' ence of ye fouldier toward his captane, brought the whole empyre of ye worlde, into the Roman eshandes. and whan it was brought, kepte it lenger, than euer it was kept in any common welth before or after. And this to be true, Scipio Africanus, the mofte noble captayne that euer was amonge the •n Jo. j i i i ±j. Plutarchus. Romaynes, mewed very playnly, what tyme as he went into Afryke, to deftroye Cartage. For he reilinge hys hoofte by the waye in Sicilie, a daye or twoo, and at a tyme Handing with a great man of Sicilie, and looking on his fouldiers how they exercifed themfelues in kepyng of araye, and other feates, the gentleman of Sicilie afked Scipio, wherin lay hys chyefe hope to ouercome Cartage: He anfwered, in yonder feloes of myne whom you fe play: And why fayth the other, bycaufe fayeth Scipio, that if I commaunded them to runne in to the toppe of this high caflel, and cafl them felues doune backeward vpon thefe rockes, I am fure they woulde do it. Salluft alfo doth write, yat there were mo Romanes put to death of theyr captaynes for fetting on theyr enemyes before they had 'm' licence, than were for running away out of the fyelde, before they had foughten. Thefe two examples do proue, that amonges the Romaynes, the obedience of the fouldyer was wonderfull great, and the feueritie of the Captaynes, to fe the fame kepte wonderfull flrayte. For they wel perceyued that an hofte full of obe- dyence, falleth as feldome into the handes of theyr enemies as that bodye fawleth into Jeoperdye, the whiche is ruled by reafon. Reafon and Rulers beynge lyke in offyce, (for the one ruleth the body of man, the other ruleth the bodye of the common wealthe) ought to be lyke of condicions, and oughte to be obeyed in