at gTjrwttnoF* 65 all maner of matters. Obedience is nouryffhed by feare and loue, Feare is kept in by true iuftice and equitie, Loue is gotten by wifdome, ioyned with liberalise: For where a fouldyer feeth ryghteoufe- neffe fo rule, that a man can neyther do wronge nor yet take wronge, and that his capitayne for his wyfe- dome, can mayntayne hym, and for his liberalitie will maintayne him, he muft nedes both loue him and feare him, of the whiche procedeth true and vnfayned obe- dience. After this inwarde vertue, the nexte good poynt in a fouldier, is to haue and to handle his weapon wel, whereof the one muft be at the appoyntment of the captayne, the other lyeth in the courage and exer- cife of the fouldier: yet of al weapons the befl is, as Euripides doth fay, wherwith with leeft daunger of our felf we maye hurt our ene- mye mooft. And that is (as I suppofe) artillarie. Artillarie now a dayes is taken for. ii. thinges : Gunnes and Bowes, which how moch they do in war, both dayly experience doeth teache, and alfo Peter Nannius a learned man of Louayn, in a certayne dialoge3 doth very well fet out, wherein this is mofL notable, that when he hath mewed excedyng commodities of both, and fome difcommodities of gunnes, as infinite coft and charge, comberfome carriage: and yf they be greate, the vncertayne leuelyng, the peryll of them that Hand by them, the efyer auoydyng by them that ftande far of: and yf they be lytle, the leffe both feare and ieoperdy is in them, befyde all contrary wether and wynde, whiche hyndereth them not a lytle: yet or' all fhotyng he cannot reherfe one difcommoditie. Hjfiji. That I meruayle greatly at, feing Nannius is fo well learned, and fo exercifed in the authours of both the tunges: for I my felfe do remembre that Ihotying in war is but finally prayfed, and that of diuers captaynes in dyuers authors. For firfl in Euripides (whom you fo highly praife) and very well, for Tullie thynketh euerye verfe in him to be an authoritie, what I praye you, doth Lycus that ouercame Thebes, fay as con- E