66 cernyng fhoting ? ^whofe words as farre as I remem- bre, be thefe, or noi\rnuche vnlyke. \ Whatprayfe hath he at at^whicJit neuer durfl abide. The dint of a fpeares poynt thriifeagamjl his fide Nor neuer bouldhe buckeler bareyet^in his lefte hands Face to face his enemies brontjliffehe t&^wythjlande. But alwaye tntfleth to a bowe and to a fethewdjlickc Harnes euer moftfitfor him which tofiie is quicfi Bowe andJJiafte is Armoure metejt for a cowarde Which dare not ones abide the bronte of battelJJtarpe and harde. But he a man ofmanhode mojl is by mine ajfent Which with harte and corage boulde, fulhe hath him bent, ffis e?iemies looke in euery ftoure Jloutelie to a bide, Face to face, andfote tofote, tide what may be tide. Agayne Teucer the beft Archer amonges all the Grecians, in Sophocles is called of Mene- laus, a boweman, and a fhooter as in sii0pflain villaynie and reproche, to be a thing of no ' s' price in warre. Moreouer Pandarus the beft fhooter in the worlde, whome Apollo hym felfe taught to fhoote, bothe he and his ihotynge is quyte con- temned in Homer, in fo much that Homer Ihad*s' (which vnder a made fable doth alwayes hyde hys iudgement of thinges) doeth make Pandarus him felfe crye out of mooting, and caft his bo\ve awaye, and take him to a fpeare, makynge a vowe that if euer he came home, he woulde breake his fhaftes, and burne his bowe, lamentyng greatly, that he was fo fonde to leaue at home his horfe and charyot wyth other veapons, for the trufl yat he had in his bowe. Homer ignifieng thereby, that men fhoulde leue fhoting out of warre, and take them to other wepons more fitte and able for the fame, and I trowe Pandarus woordeo be muche what after thys forte. 211 chaitnce ill lucke me hyther broughie 111 fortune me that daye befell, Whanfirft my bowe fro thcpynne I roughte For Heftors fake, the Grekes to $uell.