of gljtfflttnjj, 67 But yfthat God ' fo for meJJiap That home agaync Imaye ones come, Let me neuer tmoye that hap, Nor ener twyfe looke on thefonne^ Jfbowe andJJiaftts I do not burne Whyche nowefo euel doth feme my turne. But to let paffe al Poetes, what can be forer faid agaynft any thing, than the iudgement of Cyrus is agaynft ihotynge, whiche doth Xen Cyn. caufe his Perfians beyng the beft fhooters to laye awaye theyr bowes and take them to fweardes and buckelers, fpeares and dartes, and other lyke hande weapons. The which thing Xenophon fo wyfe a philofopher, fo experte a captayne in warre hym felfe, woulde neuer haue written, and fpecially in that booke wherein he purpofed to fhewe, as Tullie fayeth in dede, not the true hiftorie, but the example of a perfite wife prince an d common welthe, QplFrju* ad excepte that iudgement of chaungyng Artillerie, in to other wepons, he had alwayes thought beft to be folowed, in all warre. Whofe counfell the Parthians dyd folowe, whan ^utj£j they chafed An tonie ouerthe mountaines of Media, whiche being the befl fhoters of the worlde, lefte theyr bowes, and toke them to fpeares and morifpikes. And thefe fewe examples I trowe, of the beft fhooters, do well proue that the befl fhotinge is not the befl thinge as you call it in warre. 2Cox. As concernynge your firft example, taken oute of Euripides, I maruayle you wyl bring it for ye difprayfe of fhotyng, feyng Euripides doth make thofe verfes, not bicaufe he thinketh them true, but bicaufe he thinketh them fit for the perfon that fpake them. For in dede his true iudge- ment of fhoting, he doth expreffe by and by after in the oration of the noble captame Amphytrio agaynfte Lycus, wherein a man maye doubte. whether he hath more eloquentlye confuted Lycus fayenge, or more worthelye fette oute the prayfe of fhootynge.