72 made after he was king, was this, that al Re m a , ye children of Ifrael fhulde learne to mote, egum' according to a lawe made many a daye before yat tyme for the fetting out of fhoting as it is written (fayeth Scripture) in libro lujlorum^ whiche booke we haue not nowe: And thus we fe plainelye what greate vfe of moting, and what prouifion euen from the begynnynge of the worlde for motyng, was amonge the lewes. The Ethiopians which inhabite the fttrtheft part South in the worlde, were wonderfull bowmen : in fomoche that when Cambyfes king of Herodotus in Perfie being in Egipt, fent certayne am- Thaha. baffadours into Ethiope to the kynge there, with many great gyftes: the king of Ethiop perceyuinge them to be efpyes, toke them vp marpely, and blamed Cambyfes greatly for fuch vniuft enterprifes: but after that he had princely entertayned them, he fent for a bo we, and bente it and drewe it, and then vnbent it agayne, and fayde vnto the ambaffadours, you mail commende me to Cambyfes, and gyue him this bowe fro me, and byd him when any Perfian can mote in this bowe, let him fet vpon the Ethiopians: In the meane whyle let hym gyue thankes vnto God, whiche doth not put in the Ethiopians mynde to conquere any other mans lande. This bowe, when it came amonge the Perfians, neuer one man in fuche an in- finite hoft (as Herodotus doth faye) could ftyrre the flryng, faue onely Smerdis the brother of Cambyfes, whiche ftyrred it two fingers, and no further: for the which adl Cambyfes had fuche enuy at him, that he afterward ilewe him: as doth appeare in the itorye. Sefoflris the mooft mightie king that euer was in Egipt, ouercame a great parte of the worlde, and that by archers: he fubdued the Arabians, the lues, the Affyrians : he went farther into Scythia then any man els : he ouercame Thracia, euen to the borders of Germanie. And in token how he ouercame al men he fet vp in many places great ymages to his owne lykeneffe, hauynge in the one hande a bowe, in the