74 earthe, by the frogge the water, in which they both liue, by ye birde their lyues which lyue in the ayer, by the lhaft their hole power and Empire, that was mayn- teyned alwayes by fhotinge. Gobryas a noble and wyfe captayne amonges the Perfians, was of a cleane contrary minde, faying, nay not fo, but the Sythians meane thus by their gyftes, that except we get vs wynges, and flye into the ayer lyke birdes, or run into ye holes of the earthe lyke myfe, or els lye lurkyng in fennes and mariffes lyke frogges, we fhall neuer returne home agayne, before we be vtterly vndone with their foaftes : which fentence fanke fo fore into their hertes, yat Darius with all fpede pofiible, brake vp his campe, and gat hym felfe homewarde. Yet howe moche the Periians them felues fet by footinge, wherby they encreafed their empire fo moche, doth appeare by. iii. manifefl reafons: firfte that they brought Herod in clio> vppe theyr youth in the fchole of footing, xenoph. in* vnto. xx. yere of age, as dyuerfe noble cyr°P- Greke authours do faye. _ Strab- "• Agayne, bycaufe the noble kyng Darius thought hym felfe to be prayfed by nothyng fo moch, as to be counted a good footer, as doth appeare by his fepulchre, wherin he caufed to be written this fentence. Darius the King lieth buried here Strab. 15. Thai tn footing and riding Jiad never pere, Thirdlye the coyne of the Perfians, both golde and filuer had the Armes of Perfie vpon it, as is piutarch in cuilomably vfed in other realmes, and that Agefiia was bow and arowes: by the which feate they declared, how moch they fet by them. The Grecians alfo, but fpecially the noble Athe- nienfes, had all their ftrength lyinge in Artillarie: and for yat purpofe the citie of m as" Athens had a thoufand. men which were onely archers, in dayly wages, to watche and kepe the citie from al ieoperdie and fodein daunger : which archers alfo ihuld cary to prifon and warde any mifdoer at ye commaunde-