of $Jrj00tht3. 77 wanted it, as Leo the. v. the noble Emperour doth playnlyteflifie in fundrieplaces in thofe bokeswhichehe wrote in Greke, of the fleyghtes and pollicies of warre.2 pijti. Surelie of that booke I haue not heard before, and howe came you to the fyghte of it. 2Dox. The booke is rare trulie, but this lafte yeare when mafter Cheke tranilated the fayd booke out of greke in to Latin, to ye kinges maieflie, he of his gentleneffe, wolde haue me very ofte in hys chamber, and for the familiaritie that I had wyth hym, more than manye other, woulde fuffer me to reade of it, whan I woulde, the whiche thinge to do, furelye I was very defirous and glad, becaufe of the excellent handelynge of all thynges, that euer he taketh in hande. And verily Philologe^ as ofte as I remembre the departynge of that man from the vniuerfitie, (whiche thinge I do not feldome) fo ofte do I well perceyue our mofle helpe and futheraunce to learnynge, to haue gon awaye with him. For by ye great commoditie yat we toke in hearyng hym reade priuatly in his chambre, all Homer, Sophocles, and Euripides, Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Ifocrates and Plato, we feele the great difcommoditie in not hearynge of hym, Ariflotle and Demofthenes, whiche. ii. authours with all diligence laft of all he thought to haue redde vnto us. And when I confider howe manye men he fuccoured with his helpe, and hys ayde to abyde here for leaminge, and howe all men were prouokcd and flyrred vp, by his councell and daylye example, howe they Ihulde come to learning, furely I perceyue that fentence of Plato to be true, which fayeth that there is nothyng better in any common wealthe, than that there fhoulde be alwayes one or other, excellent paffyng mar, whofe lyfe and vertue, fhoulde plucke forwarde the will, diligence, laboure and hope of all other, that folowyng his footefteppes, they myght comme to the fame ende, wherevnto labour, lerning and vertue, had conueied him before. The great hinderance of learning, in lackinge thys man greatly I fhulde lament, if this dif-