at haue appoynted you, but fpecially with bowe and arrowes plentie. For ihootynge *l '"' is a thinge of muche myghte and power in warre, and chyefely agaynft the Sarracenes and Turkes, whiche people hath all their hope of vi6lorie in theyr bowe and fhaftes: Befydes all this, in an other place, he wryteth thus to his Captayne : Artillerie is eafie to be prepared, and in time of great nede, a thinge mode profitable, therfore we flraytlye commaunde you to make proclamation to al men vnder our dominion, which be eyther in war or peace, to all cities, borowes and townes, and fynally to eo< 3o*79" all maner of men, that euerye feare perfone haue bowe and fhaftes of his owne, and euerye houfe befyde this, to haue a {landing bearyng bowe, and. xl. fhaftes for all nedes, and that they exercife them felues in holtes, hilles, and dales, playnes and wodes, for all maner of chaunces in warre. Howe muche mooting was vfed among the olde Romanes and what meanes noble captaynes and Em- perours made, to haue it encreafe amonge them, and what hurte came by the decaye of it, thefe wordes, of Leo the emperour, which in a maner I haue reherfed woorde for woorde, playnly doth declare. And yet motynge, although they let neuer fo muche by it, was neuer fo good than, as it is nowe in Englande, whiche thing to be true, is very probable, in that Leo doth faye, that he woulde haue his fouldiers take of theyr arrowe heads, and one mote at an other, for theyr exercife, whiche playe yf Englyfhe archers vfed, I thinke they fhoulde fynde fmal play and Leo, 7.18. leffe pleafure in it at all. The great vpperhande maynteyned alwayes in warre by artillery, doeth appeare verye playnlye by this reafon alfo, that whan the fpanyardes, franchmen, and ger- manes, grekes,macedonians,and egyptians, eche contry vfmg onefinguler weapon, forwhyche they were greatelye feared in warre, as the SpanyardeZ#;&r#r, the Franche- man Gefa, the German Framea^ the