80 the Macedonian Sariffa, yet coulde they not efcape, but be fubiectes to the Empire of Rome, whan the Pertians hauyng all theyr hope in artillerie, gaue no place to them, but ouercame the Romanes, ofter than the Romaynes them, and kepte battel with them, many an hundred yeare, and flue the ryche Craffus and hys fon wyth many a floute Romayne M Crass, more, with their bowes. They draue MUAnto.' Marcus Antonius ouer the hylles of Media luiiano." in Armenia, to his great fhame and reproch. They flue luhanus Apoflata, and Antonius Caracalla, they helde in perpetual pryfon, ye moil noble emperour Valerian in defpite of all the Romaynes and many other princes, whiche wrote for his delyueraunce, as Bel folis called kynge of kynges, Valerius kynge of Cadufia, Artha- befdes kyng of Armenia, and many other princes more, whom ye Parthians by reafon of theyr artillerie, regarded neuer one whitte, and thus with the Romaynes, I may e conclude, that the borders of theyr empyre were not at the funne ryfinge and funne fetrynge, as Tullye fayeth: but fo farre they went, as artillarie woulde gyue them leaue. For I thinke all the grounde that they had, eyther northewarde, farther than the borders of Scythia, or EafLewarde, farther than the borders of Parthia, a man myght haue boughte with a fmall deale of money, of whiche thynge furely fhotyngwas the caufe. From the fame contrie of Scythia the Gothians Hunnes, and Wandalians came wyth the fame wepons of artillarie, as Paulus Dia- a iac' conus doth faye, and fo berafte Rome of her empyre wyth fyre, fpoyle, and wafte, fo yat in fuche a learned citie was lefte fcarce one man behynde, that had learnynge or leyfoure to leue in writinge to them whiche flioulde come after howe fo noble an Empyre, in fo ihorte a whyle, by a rable of banyfhed bonde- men, wythoute all order and pollicie, faue onelye theyr naturalle and daylye exercife in artillarye, was broughte to fuche thraldome and mine. After them the Turkes hauing an other name, but yet