the fame people, borne in Scythia, brought T vp onely in artillarie, by the fame weapon haue fubdued and beraft from the Chriften men all .Afia and Aphnke (to fpeake vpon,) and the mooft noble countries of Europe, to the greate diminiming of Chrifte his religion, to the great reproche of cowardyfe of al chriftianitie, a manifeft token of gods high wrath and difpleafure ouer the fynne of the worlde, but fpeciallye" amonges Chriften men, which be on flepe made drunke with the frutes of the flem, as infidelitie, difobedience to Goddes worde, and herefie, grudge, illwyll, flryfe, open battayle, and priuie enuye, coueytoufheffe, oppreffion, vnmercifulneffe, with in- numerable fortes of vnfpeakeable day lye bawdrye: which thinges furely, yf God holde not his holy hand ouer vs, and plucke vs from them, wyl bryng vs to a more Turkifhneffe and more beaftlye blynde barbarouf- neffe: as callyng ill thinges good, and good thynges ill, contemnyng of knowledge and learnynge, fettynge at nought, and hauyng for a fable, God and his high prouidence, wyll bring vs (I fay) to a more vngracious Turkifhneffe (if more Turkimneffe can be then this) than if the Turkes had fworne, to bring al Turkye agaynil vs. For thefe frutes furelye mufl neades fprynge of fuch feede, and fuch effect nedes folowe of fuche a caufe: if reafon, truthe, and God, be not altered, but as they are wont to be. For furely no Turkyme power can ouer thro we vs, if Turkyffhe lyfe do not caft vs downe before. If god were wyth vs, it buted not the turke to be agaynfl vs, but our vnfaythful finfull lyuyng, which is the Turkes moder, and hath brought hym vp hitherto, mufte nedes turne god from vs, becaufe fyn and he hath no felowlhyp togither. If we banifhed ill liuyng out of chriflendome, I am fure the Turke fhulde not onelye, not ouercome vs, but fcarce haue an hole to runne in to, in his own countrye. But Chriftendome nowe I may tell you Philologeis muche lyke a man that hath an ytche on him, andlyeth