S* dronke alfo in his bed, and though a thefe come to the dore, and heaueth at it, to come in, and ileye hym, yet he lyeth in his bed, hauinge more pleafure to lye in a flumber and fcratche him felfe wher it ytcheth euen to the harde bone, than he hath redynes to ryfe up luflelye, and dryue him awaye that woulde robbe hym and Ileye hym. But I trufte Chrifte wyl fo lyghten and lyfte vp Chriften mennes eyes, that they mail not flepe to death, nor that the turke Chriftes open enemy, mall euer bofte that he hath quyte ouerthrowen vs. But as I began to tell you, fhootynge is the chefe thinge, wherewith God fuffereth the turke to punyfh our noughtie liuinge wyth all: The youthe there is brought vp in Casp.dere- Ihotyng, his priuie garde for his own perfon, bus Turc- is bowmen, the might of theyr fhootynge is wel knowen of the Spanyardes,whiche at the towne called Newecaftell in Illirica, were quyte flayne vp, of the turkes arrowes: whan the Spanyardes had no vfe of theyr gunnes, by reafon of the rayne. And nowe laft of all, the em- perour his maiellie him felfe, at the Citie of Argier in Aphricke had his hoofle fore handeled wyth the Turkes arrowes, when his gonnes were quite difpatched and ftode him in no feruice, bycaufe of the raine that fell, where as in fuche a chaunce of raine, yf he had had bowmen, furelye there fhoote myghte peraduenture haue bene a litle hindred, but quite difpatched and marde, it coulde neuer haue bene. But as for the Turkes I am werie to talke of them partlye becaufe I hate them, and partlye bycaufe I am now affectioned euen as it were a man that had bene longe wanderyng in ftraunge contries and would fayne be at home to fe howe well his owne frendes proiper and leade theyr lyfe, and furelye me thincke I am verie merye at my harte to remember how I fhal finde at home in Englande amonges Englyfh men, partlye by hyflories, of them that haue gone afore vs, agayne by experience of them whych we knowe, and lyue with vs as greate noble feates of warre doone by Artillarye, as euer was done at any tyme in any other common