83 welthe. And here I muft nedes remember a certaine Frenchman called Textor, that writeth a boke whiche he nameth Officina,4 whenn he weueth vp many broken ended matters and fettes out much rifraffe, pelfery, trumpery, baggage and beggene ware clamparde vp of one that would feme to be fitter for a mop in dede than to write any boke. And amonges all other yll packed vp matters, he thrufles vp in a hepe togyther all the good ihoters that euer hathe bene in the worlde as he faythe hymfelfe, and yet I trow Philologe that of all the examples whiche I now by chaunce haue reherfed out of the beft Authors both in greke and latin, Textor hath but. ii. of them, which, ii. furely yf they were to reken agayne, I wold not ones name them, partly bycaufe they were noughtie perfons, and moting fomoche the worfe, bycaufe they loued it, as Domitian and Commodus the emperours • partelye bycaufe Textor hath them in his boke, on whom I loked on bychaunce in the bookebynders fhope, thynkynge of no fuche matter. And one thing I wyl fay to you Philologe, that if I were difpofed to do it, and you hadde leyfure to heare it, I coulde foone do as Textor doth, and reken vp fuche a rable of ihoters that be named here and there in poetes, as wolde holde vs talkyng whyles tomorowe : but my purpofe was not to make mention of thofe which were feyned of Poetes for theyr pleafure, but of fuche as were proued in hif- tories for a truthe : but why I bringe in Textor was this: At lafle when he hath rekened all Ihoters that he can, he fayeth thus, Petrus Crimtus5 wryteth, that the Scottes whiche dwell be- P* Crm< 3 I0* yonde Englande be verye excellent ihoters, and the beft bowmen in warre. This fentence whether Cri- mtus wrote it more leudly of ignoraunce, or Textor confirmeth it more piuyfhlye of enuye, may be called in queftion and doubte: but this furelye do I knowe very well that Textor hath both red in Gaguinus the Frenche hyftorie,6 and alfo hath hearde his father or graundfather taulke (except perchaunce he was borne