and bred in a Cloyfler) after that fort of the fhotynge of Enghflhe men, that Textor neded not to haue gone fo piuifhlye beyonde Englande for moting, but myght very foone, euen in the firfl towne of Kent, haue founde fuche plentie of fhotinge, as is not in al the realme of Scotland agayne. The Scottes furely be good men of warre in theyr owne feate as can be : but as for mot- inge, they neyther can vfe it for any profyte, nor yet wil chalenge it for any prayfe, although mailer Textor of his gentleneffe wold gyue it them. Textor neaded not to haue fylled vppe his booke with fuche lyes, if he hadde read the ftorye of Scotlande, whiche loannes Maior doeth wryte: wherein he myghte haue learn ed, that when lam es Stewart fyrfl oan a" kyng of that name, at the Parliament holden at Saynt lohnnes towne or Perthie, commaunded vnder payne of a greate forfyte, that euerye Scotte fhoulde learne to mote : yet neyther the loue of theyr countrie, the feare of their enemies, the auoydying of punifhment, nor the receyuinge of anye profyte that myght come by it, coulde make them to be good Archers : whiche be vnapte and vnfytte therunto by Gods prouidence and nature. Therfore the Scottes them felues proue Textor a Iyer, bothe with authoritie and alfo daily experi- ence, and by a certayne Prouerbe that they haue amonges them in theyr communication, wherby they gyue the whole prayfe of fhotynge honefllye to En- glyffhe men, faying thus : that euery Englyffhe Archer beareth vnder hys gyrdle. xxiiii. Scottes. But to lette Textor and the Scottes go: yet one thynge woulde I wyflhe for the Scottes, and that is this, that feinge one God, one faythe, one compaffe of the fee, one lande and countrie, one tungue in fpeakynge, one maner and trade in lyuynge, lyke courage and ftomake in war, lyke quickneffe of witte to learning, hath made Englande and Scotlande bothe one, they wolde fuffre them no longer to be two : but cleane gyue ouer the Pope, which feketh none other thinge (as many a noble and wyfe Scottifh man doth