85 knowe) but to fede vp diffention and parties betwixt them and vs, procuryng that thynge to be two, which God, nature, and reafon, wold haue one. Howe profytable fuche an attonement Iohn Ma were for Scotlande, both Johannes Maior,7 ior 6 hist and Ector Boetius8whiche wrote the Scottes Scot- Chroniclesdo tell,andalfo all the gentlemen of Scotlande with the poore communaltie, do wel knowe : So that there is nothing that floppeth this matter, faue orelye a fewe freers, and fuche lyke, whiche with the dregges of our Englyfh Papiflrie lurkyng now amonges them, ftudy nothing els but to brewe battell and flryfe betwixte both the people : Wherby onely they hope to maynetayne theyr Papiflicall kyngdome, to the deflrudlion of the noble blood of Scotlande. that then they maye with authoritie do that, whiche neither noble man nor poore man in Scotlande yet doeth knowe. And as for Scottilhe men and Engliflie men be not enemyes by nature, but by cuftome : not by our good wyll, but by theyr owne follye: whiche fhoulde take more honour in being coupled to Englande, then we mulde take profile in being ioyned to Scotlande. Wales being headye, and rebelling many yeares agaynft vs, laye wylde, vntylled, vnhabited, without lawe, iuftice, ciuilitie and ordre: and then was amonges them more flealing than true dealing, more furetie for them that fludyed to be noughte, then quyetneffe for them that laboured to be good : when nowe thanked be God, and noble Englande, there is no countrie better inhabited, more ciuile, more diligent in honeft craftes, to get bothe true and pientifull lyuynge withall. And this felicitie (my mynde gyueth me) within thefe few dayes fhal chaunce alfo to Scotlande, by the godly wyfedome of oure mooile noble Prince kynge Henrye the. viii. by whome God hath wrought more wonderfull thynges then euer by any prince before: as banifhing the byihop of Rome and herifie, bringyng to light god his worde and veritie, eflabliming fuche iuflice and