86 equitie, through euery parte of this his realme, aa neuer was fene afore. To fuche a Prince of fuche a wyfdome, God hath referued this moofle noble attonement: wherby neither we fhalbe any more troubled, nor the Scottes with their beft countries any more deftroyed, nor ye fee, whiche God ordeyneth profytable for both, fhall from eyther be any more flopped : to the great quietneffe, wealth, and felicitie of all the people dwellynge in this He, to the high renoume and prayfe of our mooft noble kyng, to the feare of all maner of nacions that owe ill wyll to either countrie, to the hygh pleafure of God, which as he is one, and hateth al diuifion, fo is he beft of all pleafed, to fe thinges which be wyde and amyffe, brought to peace and attonement. But Textor (I befhrowe him) hath almoofte broughte vs from our communication of Ihoting. Now fir by my iudgement, the Ailillarie of England farre excedeth all other realmes: but yet one thing I doubt and longe haue furely in that point doubted, when, or by whom, fhotyng was firft brought in to Englande, and for the fame purpofe as I was ones in companye wyth fyr Thomas Eliot knight, which furelie for his lerning in all kynde of knowlege bringeth much worfhyp to all the nobilitie of Englande, I was fo bould to afke hym, yf he at any tyme, had marked any thing, as con- cernynge the bryngyngein of fhootynge in to Englande: he aunfwered me gentlye agayne, that he had a worcke in hand which he nameth, De rebus memorabilibus Anglice, which I truft we fhal fe in print fhortlye,7 and for the accomplyfhmente of that boke, he had read and perufed ouer many olde monumentes of Englande, and in feking for that purpofe, he marked this of ihootynge in an excedyng olde cronicle, the which had no name, that what tyme as the Saxons came firft into this realme in kyng Vortigers dayes, when they had bene here a whyle and at laft began to faull out with the Brittons, they troubled and subdewed the Bnttons wjrth nothynge fo much? as wjth theyr