flf £l)00ttitB» 87 bowe and fhaftes, whiche wepon beynge flraunge and not fene here before, was wonderfull terrible vnto them, and this beginninge I can thynke verie well to be true. But now as concerning many examples for the prayfe of Englifh archers in warre, furely I wil not be long in a matter yat no man doubteth in, and thofe few yat I wil name, ftial either be proued by ye hiftories of our enemies, or els done by men that nowe liue. Kynge Edward the thirde at the battel of Creffie ageinft Philip ye Frenche king as Gaguinus the french Hiftoriographer plainlye doeth tell, flewe that daye all the nobilite of Fraunce onlye wyth hys archers. Such lyke battel alfo fought ye noble black prince Edwarde befide Poeters, where lohn ye french king with hys fonne and in a maner al ye peres of Fraunce were taken befide. xxx. thoufand. which that daye were flayne, and verie few Englyflie men, by reafon of theyr bowes. Kynge Henrie the fifte a prince pereles and mofte vyctorioufe conqueroure of all that euer dyed yet in this parte of the world, at the battel of Agin court with, vii. thoufand. fyghtynge men, and yet many of them fycke, beynge fuche Archers as the Cronycle fayeth that moofte parte of them drewe a yarde, flewe all the Cheualrie of Fiaunce to the nomber of .XL. thou- sand, and moo, and loft not pafte. xxvi. Englyflhe men. The bloudye Ciuil warre of England betwixt the houfe of Yorke and Lancafler, where fhaftes flewe of both fydes to the deftruction of mannye a yoman of Englande, whom foreine battell coulde neuer haue fubdewed bothe I wyll paffe ouer for the pyttyefulneffe of it, and yet may we hyghelye prayfe GOD in tfx* remembraunce of it, feynge he of hys prouydence hath fo knytte together thofe. ii. noble houfes, with lo noble and pleafunte a flowre, The excellent prince Thomas Hawarde nowe Duke of Northfolk, for whofe good profperite with al his noble familie al Engliih hertes dayly doth pray with bowmen