89 tion wlthall, but neuertheleffe you {hall perceaue ii you wyl, that vfe of prickyng, and defyre of nere fhootynge at home, are the onelye caufes of fLronge fhootyng in warre, and why? for you fe, that the ftrongefl men, do not drawe alwayes the flrongeft fhoote, whiche thyng prouethe that drawinge ftronge, liethe not fo muche in the flrength of man, as in the vfe of fhotyng, And experience teacheth the fame in other thynges, for you lhal fe a weake fmithe, whiche wyl wyth a lipe and turnyng of his arme, take vp a barre of yron, yat another man thrife as ftronge, can not flirre. And a flronge man not vfed to fhote, hath his armes brefte and moulders, and other partes where- with he ihuld drawe flronglye, one hindering and flop- pmge an other, euen as a dofen fLronge horfes not vfed to the carte, lettes and troubles one another. And fo the more flronge man not vfed to mote, ihootes moofl vnhanfumlye, but yet if a ftrong man with vfe of fhooting coulde applye all the partes of hys bodye togyther to theyr moofl flrengthe, than mould he both drawe flronger than other, and alfo fhoote better than other. But no we a flronge man not vfed to fhoote, at a girde, can heue vp and plucke in funder many a good bowe, as wild horfes at a brunte doth race and pluck in peces many a flronge carte. And thus flronge men, without vfe, can do nothynge in fhoting to any purpofe, neither in warre nor peace, but if they happen to fhoote, yet they haue done within a fhoote or two when a weake man that is vfed to fhoote, lhal ferue for all tymes and purpofes, and fhall fhoote. x. fhaftes, agaynft the others, hii. and drawe them vp to the poynte, euerye tyme, and fhoote them to the mooile aduauntage, drawyng and withdrawing his fhafte when he lift, markynge at one man, yet let driuyng at an other man : whyche thynges in a fet battayle, although a man, fhal not alwayes vfe, yet in bickerynges, and at ouerthwarte meatinges, when fewe archers be togyther, they do moofle good of all. Agayne he that is not vfed to fhoote? fhall euermore