90 with vntowardneffe of houldynge his bowe, and nockynge his fliafte, not lookyng to his ftryng be- tyme, put his bowe alwayes in ieoperdy of breakynge, and than he were better to be at home, moreouer he fhal ihoote very fewe fhaftes, and thofe full vnhand- fumlye, forne not halfe drawen, fome to hygh and fome to lowe, nor he can not driue a fhoote at a tyme, nor floppe a fhoote at a neede, but oute mufte it, and verye ofte to euel profe. •jjjjji. And that is bell I trow in war, to let it go, and not to floppe it. 3C0I. No not fo, but fomtyme to houlde a fhafte at the heade, whyche if they be but few archers, doth more good with the feare of it, than it mould e do if it were mot, with the ftroke of it. •pjjf. That is a wonder to me, yat the feare of a difplea- fure, fhoulde do more harme than the difpleafure it felfe. Stox. Yes, ye knowe that a man which e fereth to be banylhed, out of hys cuntrye, can neyther be mery, eate, drynke nor fleape for feare, yet when he is ban- ifhed in dede, he flepeth and eateth, as well as any other. And many menne doubtyng and fearyng whether they moulde dye or no, euen for verye feare of deathe, preuenteth them ielfe with a more bytter deathe then the other death moulde haue bene in deade. And thus feare is euer worfe than the thynge feared, as is partelye proued, by the communication of Cyrus and Tigranes, the kynges funne of Armenie, in Xenophon. 1"'pe '3* Pfji. I graunte Toxophile, that vfe of Ihotyng maketh a man drawe flrong, to moote at moll aduaun- tage, to kepe his gere, whiche is no fmall thinge in war, but yet me thinke, that the cuflomable ihoting at home, fpeciallye at buttes and prickes, make nothynge at all for ftronge mooting which doth mofte good in war. Therfore I fuppofe yf men fhulde vfe to goo into the fyeldes, and learne to mote myghty flronge fhootes, and neuer care for any marke at al, they fhulde dp much? better.