0f corne, as for example, yf a man fhoulde go to the myll or market with corne, and happen to fpyl fomem the waye, yet it wolde take roote and gro\ve, bycaufe ye foyle is fo good : fo England may be thought very frutefull and apt to brynge oute Ihooters, where children euen from the cradell, loue it: and yong men without any teachyng fo diligcntlye vfe it. Agayne, lykewyfe as a good grounde, well tylled, and well hufbanded, bringeth out great plentie of byg eared come, and good to the faule : fo if the youthe of Englande being apte of it felfe to mote, were taught and learned how to mote, the Archers of England ihuld not be only a great deale ranker, and mo then they be: but alfo a good deale bygger and flronger Archers then they be. This commoditie Ihoulde folowe alfo yf the youth of Englande were taught to mote, that euen as plowing of a good grounde for wheate, doth not onely make it mete for the feede, but alfo riueth and plucketh vp by the rootes, all thirties, brambles and weedes, whiche growe of theyr owne accorde, to the deftrudtion of bothe corne and grounde: Euen fo fhulde the teaching of youth to mote, not only make them fhote well, but alfo plucke awaye by the rootes all other defyre to noughtye paftymes, as difynge, cardyng, and booul- ing, which without any teaching are vfed euery where, to the great harme of all youth of this realme. And lykewife as burnyng of thiftles and diligent weding them oute of the corne, doth not halfe fo moche ryd them, as when ye ground is falloed and tilled for good grayne, as I haue hearde many a good hufbandman fay: euen fo, neither hote punimment, nor yet diligent fearching oute of fuche vnthriftineffe by the officers, fhal fo throwly wede thefe vngracious games out of-the realme, as occupying and bringyng vp youth in ihotynge, and other honeft paflyme. Thirdly, as a grounde which is apt for corne and alfo wel tilled for corne: yet if a man let it lye flil and do not occupye it. iii. or. iiii. yeare: but then wyll fow it,