0! gljofltutij. 95 x. Learnyng to fhoote is lytle regarded in Eng- land, for this confideration, bycaufe men be fo apte by nature they hane a greate redy forwaidneffe and wil to vfe it, al though no man teache them, al thoughe no man byd them, and fo of theyr owne corage they runne hedlynge on it, and fhoote they ill, mote they well, greate hede they take not. And in verie dede Aptneffe with Vfe may do fumwhat without Know- lege, but not the tenthe parte, if fo be they were ioyned with knowlege. Whyche thre thynges be feperate as you fe, not of theyr owne kynde, but through the negligence of men whyche coupleth them not to gyther. And where ye doubte whether there can be gadered any knowlege or arte in fhootyng or no, furely I thynke that a man being wel exercifed in it and fumwhat honeflly learned with all, myght foone with diligent obferuynge and rnarkynge the hole nature of ftioot- ynge, rind out as it were an Arte of it, as Aries in other matters haue bene founde oute afore, feynge that fhootyng ftandeth by thofe thinges, which maye both be' thorowlye perceued, and perfitly knowen, and fuche that neuer failes, but be euer certayne, belongynge to one mooft perfect ende, as fhootyng ftreight, and keping of a length bring a man to hit the marke, ye chefe end in fhootyng: which two thynges a man may attaine vnto, by diligent vfynge, and well handlynge thofe inftrumentes, which belong vnto them. Therfore I can not fee, but there lieth hyd in the nature of Shootynge, an Arte, whiche by notynge, and obferuynge of him, that is exercifed in it, yf he be any thyng learned at al, maye be taught, to the greate forderaunce of Artillarie through out al this Realme. And trewlye I meruell gretelye, that Englyffhe men woulde aeuer yet, feke for the Arte of Ihootynge, feinge they be fo apte vnto it, fo prayfed of there frendes, fo feared of there enne- myes for it. Vegetius woulde haue may- Vegetms. Hers appointed, whyche flioulde teache youthe to