flioote faire. Leo the Emperour of Rome, ^ ^ fheweth the fame cuftome, to haue bene alwayes amongefl ye olde Romaynes: whych cuflome of teachyng youth to flioote (faythe he) after it was omitted, and litle hede taken of, brought the hole Empire of Rome, to grete Ruine. Schola, Perfcca^ that is the Scole of the Perfians, ap- poynted to brynge vp youthe, whiles Strabo.ii. they were. xx. yeres olde in mooting, is as notably known e in Hiftories as the Impire of ye Perfians: whych fchole, as doth apere in Cornelius Tacitus, as fone as they gaue ouer and fell to other idle paftimes, brought bothe them or" ac'2' and ye Parthians vnder ye fubieftion of the Romaines. Plato would haue common maifters and Dele flipendes, for to teache youthe to flioote, e eg'7' and for the fame purpofe he would haue a brode feylde nere euery Citie, made common for men to vfe fhotyng in, whyche fayeng the more reafonably it is fpoken of Plato, the more vnreafonable is theyr dede whiche woulde ditche vp thofe feeldes priuatly for ther owne profyt, whyche lyeth open generally e for the common vfe : men by fuche goodes be made rycher not honefter fayeth Tullie. Yf men can be perfwaded to haue Ihootynge taughte, this De ^ aucthoritie whyche foloweth will perfwade them, or els none, and that is as I haue ones fayde before, of Kynge Dauyd, whofe fyrfle acle and ordi- naunce was after he was kynge that all ludea mould learne to flioote. Yf fliotyng could fpeake, fhe would accufe England of vnkyndnefle and flouthfulneffe, of vnkyndneffe toward her bycaufe fhe beyng left to a lytle blynd vfe, lackes her beil maintener which is cunnynge : of flouthfulneffe towarde theyr owne felfe, bycaufe they are content wyth that whych aptnefTe and vfe doth graunt them in Ihootynge, and wyl feke for no knowlege as other noble common welthes haue done: and the iuillier Ihootynge myght make thys romplaynt, feyngc that of fence and weapons there is