9) made an' Arte3 a thyng In no wyfe to be compared to ihootynge. For of fence all moofte in euerye towne, there is not - onely Mailers to teache it, wyth his Pro- uoftes Vfhers Scholers and other names of arte and Schole/'but there" hath not fayld alfo, whyche hathe diligently and well fauouredly written it and is fet out in Printe that euery man maye rede it. What difcommoditie doeth comme by the lacke of knowlege, in fhootynge, it were ouer longe to rehearce, For manye that haue bene apte, and loued Ihootynge, bycaufe they knewe not whyche way to houlde to comme to fhootynge, haue cleane tourned them felues from fhootynge. - And I maye telle you Philologe, the lacke of teach- ynge to fhoote in Englande, caufeth very manye men, to playe with the kynges Acles, as a man dyd ones eyther with the Mayre of London or Yorke I can not tel whether, whiche dyd commaund by proclamation, euerye man in the Citie, to hange a Ian tern e wyth a candell, afore his dore : whiche thynge the man dyd, but he dyd not lyght it: And fo many bye bowes bicaufe of the adte, but yet they fhote not: not of euyll wyll, but bycaufe they knowe not howe to Ihoote. But to conclude of this matter, in footing as in all other thynges, Apteneffe is the fyrfte, and chyefe thynge, whiche if it Ptaesse- l"e awaye, neyther Cunnynge or Vfe, doeth anye good at all, as the Scoftes and Fraunce men, wyth know- ledge and Yfe of fhootynge, mall become good Archers, whan a cunnynge Ihypwright mall make a flrouge fhyppe, of a Salowe tree : or whan a hufband- n an lhall becom ryche, wyth fowyng wheat on New- market heath. Cunnynge mufte be had, Cunn bothe to fet out, and amende Nature, and ^nynge. i Ifo to ouerfee, and corredle vfe: which vfe yf it be not led, and gouerned wyth cunnyng, lhall fooner go amiiTe, than flrayght . Vfe maketh1 perfitneffe, in doinge that thynge,