98 whervnto nature maketh a man apte, and knowlege maketh a man cunninge before. So yat it is not fo doubtful, which of them three hath mooft flroke in fhoting as it is playne and euident, that all thre muft be had, in excellent fhootynge. ^fj{. For this communicacion Toxophile I am very glad, and yat for myn owne fake bicaufe I truft now, to become a fhoter, And in dede I thought a fore, Englifh men mod apte for Ihoting, and I fawe them dayelye vfe fhotyng, but yet I neuer founde none, that woulde talke of anye knowlege whereby a man might come to fhotynge. Therfore I truft that you, by the vfe you haue had in fhoting, haue fo thorowly marked and noted the nature of it, that you can teache me as it were by a trade or waye how to come to it. 3E0& I graunte, I haue vfed Ihootinge meetly well, that I myght haue marked it wel ynoughe, yf I had bene diligent But my much fhootynge, hath caufed me fludie litle, fo that thereby I lacke learnynge, whych fhulde fet out the Arte or waye in any thynge. And you knowe that I was neuer fo well fene, in the Pofleriorums of Ariflotle as to inuent and fearche out general Demonflrations for the fetting forth of any newe Science. Yet by my trothe yf you wyll, I wyll goe with you into the fealdes at any tyme and tel you as much a> I can, or els you maye flande fome tyme at the prickes and looke on them which fhoote beft and fo learne. $fyi. Howe lytle you haue looked of Ariflotle, and how muche learnynge, you haue loft by fhotynge I can uot tell, but this I woulde faye and yf I loued you neuer fo ill, that you haue bene occupyed in fumwhat els befyde fhotynge. But to our purpofe, as I wyll not requyre a trade in fhotinge to be taught me after "the futteltye of Ariflotle, euen fo do I not agre w th you in this poynt, that you wold haue me learne to fhoote with lokyng on them which fhoote beft, for to I knowe I mould neuer come to fhote meanelye. For in fhotyng as in all other thynges which be gottei by, teachvnge, there muft be mewed a waye and a path