ioo rhefely a wife man muft folowe and laye hand on poffi- bilitie for feare he leafe bothe. Therfore feyng that which is mooft perfect and befl in fhootyng as alwayes to hit ye pricke, was neuer fene nor hard tel on yet amonges men, but onelye ymagined and thought vpon in a man his mynde, me thinck this is the wifeft coun- fel and befl for vs to folow rather that which a man maye come to, than yat whyche is vnpoflible to be attained to, lefte iuftely that fayeng of ye wyfe mayde Ifmene in Sophocles maye be verifyed on vs. Afook he is that takes in hande he can not ende. Soph, Ant. !pfji Well yf the perfite ende of other matters, had bene as perfitlye knowne, as the perfite ende of fhotynge is, there had neuer bene fo manye fedtes of Philofophers as there be, for in moting both man and boye is in one opinion, that alwayes to hit the pryck is moofle perfecle end that can be imagyned, fo that we mall not nede gretly contend in this matter. But now fir, whereas you thynke yat a man in learning to ftioote or any thyng els, fhuld rather wyfelye folow poffibilitie, than vainly ieke for perfite excellencie, furelye I wyl proue yat euery wyfe man, yat wifely wold learne any thyng, mal chiefly go aboute yat wherevnto he knoweth wel he mal neuer come. And you youre felfe I fuppofe mal confeffe ye fame to be ye beft way in teachyng, yf you wyl anfwere me to thofe thinges whych I wyl afke of you. 2T0I* And yat I wyl gladlye, both bycaufe I thynke it is vnpoflible for you to proue it, and alfo bycaufe I defire to here what you can faye in it. •plji The ftudie of a good Phyficion Toxophile, I trow be to know al difeafes and al medicines fit for them. Stac. It is fo in dede. !$lji Bicaufe I fuppofe he would gladly at al tymes heale al difeafes of al men. 2T0x. Ye truely. PfjL A good purpofe furely, but was ther euer phyficion yet among fo many whyche had laboured