at in thys fludy, that at al times coulde heale aU difeafes ? No trewly; nor I thyncke neuer fhalbe. Than Phyficions by tyke, fludie for yat, whiche none of them commeth vnto. But in learn- ing of fence I pray you what is yat which men inooft labor for ? 2t0x» That they may hit a nother I trow and neuer take blow theyr felfe. PJji You fay trothe, and I am fure euery one of them would faine do fo when fo euer he playethe. But was there euer any of them fo conning yet, which at one tyme or other hath not be[n] touched ? 3L0x. The beft of them all is glad fomtyme to efcape with a blowe. •IJifjiL Than in fence alfo, men are taught to L/J aboute that thing, whiche the beft of them all know- ethe he mail neuer attayne vnto. Moreouer you that *be fhoters, I pray you, what meane you, whan ye take fo greate heade, to kepe youre ftandynge, to fhoote compaffe, to looke on your marke fo diligently, to caft vp graffe diuerfe tymes and other thinge^ more, you know better than I. What would you do than I pray you ? 2E0X. Hit ye marke yf we could. •pfjtL And doth euery man go about to hit the marke at euery fhoote ? 3T0X. By my trothe I trow fo, and as for my felfe I am fure I do. But al men do not hit it at al tymes. No trewlye for that were a wonder. ffjtL Can any man hit it at all tymes ? 0x. No man verilie. ^JjiL Than by likely to hit the pricke alwayes, is vnpoffible. For that is called vnpoffible whvch is in no man his power to do. SC0X, Vnpoffible in dede. PJjiL But to Ihoote wyde and far of the marke is a thynge poffyble.