Cijc dfyole at gaoling. ioj folowed, n.ight bring forth accordyng as a man doth labour, perfyte woorkyng. And who is he, that in learnynge to wryte, woulde forfake an excellent ex- ample, and folowe a worfe ? Therfore feing perfyteneffe it felfe is an example for vs, let euerye man ftudye howe he maye come nye it, which is a poynt of wyfdome, not reafon with God why he may not attaine vnto it, which is vayne curofitie. 2C0X. Surely this is gaily faid Philologe, but yet this one thinge I am afraide of, left this perfitneife which you fpeke on will difcourage men to take any thynge in hande, bycaufe afore they begin, they know, they fhal neuer come to an ende. And thus difpayre fhall difpatche, euen at the fyrfte entrynge in, many a good man his purpofe and intente. And I thinke both you your felfe, and al other men to, woulde counte it mere folie for a man to tell hym whome he teacheth, that he fhal neuer optaine that, whyche he would faineft learne. And therfore this fame hyghe and perfite waye of teachyng let vs leue it to hygher matters, and as for fhootynge it fhalbe content with a meaner waye well ynoughe. •jpfji. Where a:, you faye yat this hye perfitnefTe will difcorage men, bycaufe they knowe, they mall neuer attayne vnto it, I am fure cleane contrarie there is nothynge in the world fhall incourage men more than it And whye ? For where a man feith, that though a nother man be neuer fo excellente, yet it is poffible for hym felfe to be better, what payne or labour wyl that man refufe to take ? yf the game be onfe wonne, no man wyl fet forth hys foote to ronne. And thus perfitnefO beynge fo hyghe a thynge that men maye looke at it, not come to it, and beynge fo plentifull ajid indifferent to euerye bodye that the plentifulneffe of It may prouoke all men to labor, bycaufe it hath ynoughe for all men, the indifferencye of it fhall en- courage euerye one to take more paine than hys fel- lowe, bycaufe euerye man is rewarded accordyng to his